
Past Clinics

March 2025 Name Change, Record Restriction & Credit Health Clinic

On March 12, 2025 we held our first legal clinic for 18-26 year olds to support with name changes, record restriction and credit health. We served 12 young people (11 for name changes and 1 for record restriction). Most of our clients were BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ young people and most were housing unstable.

Thank you to our GSU law student volunteers, our intern Liz Kufour, and our supervising attorneys: Alex Eichenbaum, Faryn Christie, and Prof. Cortney Lollar. And to the GSU College of Law and Center for Access to Justice for hosting and supporting.

Stay tuned for our next clinic, which will be coming up in July. Donate to help us continue to provide free legal support to the most marginalized youth in the Southern United States.

Past Events

How Attorneys and Preventing & Ending Youth Homelessness in Georgia Panel Event

In March 2025, together with our key partner Hope thru Soap, we hosted an insightful event on How Attorneys Are Preventing & Ending Youth Homelessness in Georgia at Alston & Bird in Atlanta, Georgia. This in-person event provided a unique opportunity to learn about our groundbreaking partnership currently serving young people in metro Atlanta, and the role of attorneys in preventing and ending youth homelessness. 

Youth Homelessness and the Law Panel Event

On March 21, 2024 we held our first public event at the Georgia State University College of Law, attended by more than 30 students and staff. We heard from attorneys, a youth advocate and a youth service provider about the challenges that unhoused young people are facing and what legal and non-legal supports are available. We also learned about innovative new programming including Direct Cash Transfers that are making a difference in Atlanta and around the country. 

We received great feedback from students who found the panelists inspiring and appreciated the opportunity to learn more about a topic that hasn't been brought to the Law School before. Thank you to our panelists and our partners for making this event possible.